Press Released Updates

Updated on 9-17-2021 @ 10:30 AM
Active: 5
Released: 499
Total: 522
Death: 18
Updated on 3-19-2021 @ 10:30 AM
Active: 11
Released: 390
Total: 416
Death: 15
Updated on 1-28-2021 @ 3:00 PM
Active: 14
Released: 346
Total: 373
Death: 13
Updated numbers as of 1-19-21 @ 4:30pm
Active: 33
Released: 326
Total: 365
Death: 6
We received the following Covid-19 notifications
2 positive Schuyler Co. Residents on Friday 01/15/2021
3 positive Schuyler Co. Residents on Saturday 01/16/2021
2 positive Schuyler Co. Residents on Sunday 01/17/2021
and we received 3 additional positives today, Monday 01/18/2021
Active: 23
Released: 326
Total: 355
Death: 6
Update on 1-14-21
I will update the numbers for the ones we worked on over the weekend sometime today.
Active: 30
Released: 309
Total: 345
Death: 6
The Schuyler County Health Dept recieved the following Positive COVID-19 notifications :
0- Jan 9, 2021
0- Jan 10, 2021
8- Jan 11, 2021
8- Today, Jan 12th, 2021
Active: 34
Released: 305
Total: 339
Death: 1
On 1-8-21, we added 5 additional cases to our positives, COVID-19 case count.
Active: 28
Released: 295
Total: 323
Death: 1
Today we have received the contact information of 20 positive COVID-19 Schuyler County Residents. I want to THANK my incredible Staff!!. We have been working days, nights, weekends, and holidays and even though things may not be ideal, we are definitely giving it our best!! Please continue to practice social distancing and wear a mask. ALWAYS wash your hands and cover your mouths when coughing and PLEASE stay home if you are not feeling well.
Active: 27
Released: 291
Total: 318
Death: 1
Update as of 1/6/21 @ 5:00 pm
Schuyler County Health Dept. recieved notification of 2 additional positives today. I will post the age breakdown tomorrow.
Active: 17
Released: 281
Total: 298
Death: 1
Updated as of 1/5/21 at 5:00 pm. The Schuyler County Health Dept received notification that 4 additional Schuyler Co Resident has tested positive for COVID-19.
Updated numbers 1-4-2021
We received notification of positive residents on the following dates:
2 positives on 1/1/21
2 positives on 1/2/21
2 positives on 1/3/21
3 positives today 1/4/21
Today 12-31-20, the Schuyler Co Health Dept received notification that 4 more Schuyler County residents tested positive for covid. Bringing the 2020 year-end total to 283. 27 of those cases are active and 256 have been released.
Active: 27
Released: 256
Total: 283
Deaths: 1
The Schuyler County Health Department received notification today 12-29-20 of 11 additional Schuyler Co residents have tested positive for COVID-19.
Updated Numbers as of 12/28/20 @ 3:00 pm.
The Schuyler Co Health Dept has received the following positive covid 19 notifications. Since our last update.
2 -Positives on Tuesday, Dec 22nd
4 -Positives on Wednesday, Dec 23rd
3 -Positives on Thursday, Dec 24th
0 -Positives on Friday, Dec 25th
3 -Positives on Saturday, Dec 26th
2 -Positives on Sunday, Dec 27th
7 -Positives on Monday, Dec 28th
Updated numbers for December 18th-21st
0 cases reported on Friday 12-18-20
1 case reported on Saturday 12-19-20
4 cases reported on Sunday 12-20-20
0 cases reported on Monday 12-21-20
Active: 13
Released: 229
Total: 242
Deaths: 1
12-17-20 We received notification that 4 Schuyler Residents tested positive for COVID-19. We also received notification of 4 additional Schuyler Residents who tested positive out of state earlier in the month. These individuals had been self-isolating since receiving their positive results and already have met the isolation requirements. I would like to thank them for doing so.
When testing is done out of state, there is a long delay in those results getting to us locally. The state that the individual was tested in has to report those to their state, and then at some point, we hope that those results are sent to the State of Missouri. After Missouri gets those results (or by chance, the testing site sends them to us locally), they are added into a computer system and finally sent to us locally.
If you have been notified regardless of where you are tested and have not been contacted by the Health Department, PLEASE self isolate immediately. Begin making a list of individuals that you have been in close contact with beginning 2 days before you started having symptoms. Go ahead and call those people so that they can begin quarantine. Call your local Health Department if you have not been contacted after a day or 2 of receiving your positive results.
We know there are positive individuals in our county that we are not getting notification of their results and, in turn, are unable to complete contact tracing with. The system in place isn’t 100%, but we are doing our best to slow the spread.
Please practice social distancing, and wear a mask when unable to maintain greater than 6 ft distance.
Active: 17
Released: 220
Total: 237
Deaths: 1
3 additional Schuyler County residents tested positive today for COVID-19. Updated as of 12-16-2020 @ 4:00 pm
Active: 18
Released: 211
Total: 229
Deaths: 1
We received notification that 2 Schuyler County residents tested positive for COVID-19 today.
Active: 15
Released: 211
Total: 226
Deaths: 1
Schuyler County Health Department received notification of 2 positive residents on Saturday, December 12th, and 5 additional positive results today.
Active: 17
Released: 207
Total: 224
Deaths: 1
Updated 12-11-2020 @ 3:00 pm
4 more Schuyler County residents test positive for COVID-19
Active: 18
Released: 199
Total: 217
Deaths: 1
Effective 12/10/2020
December 10, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) In conjunction with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, The Schuyler County Health Department has adopted the CDC close contact recommendations.
These new guidelines apply only to those that have been EXPOSED to a positive COVID-19 case and remain asymptomatic (showing no symptoms).
If you have been exposed to COVID-19 AND have no symptoms, you only need to quarantine for 10 days from the date of last exposure, to be released on day 11.
If you have been exposed to COVID-19 AND have no symptoms, you may seek testing no earlier than day 7 of your quarantine, AND with a negative test result, you only need to quarantine for 7 days from the date of last exposure, to be released on day 8.
Self-monitoring of symptoms and masking is required for the full 14 days, even if quarantine is shortened.
If you test positive for COVID-19 at any point, you should isolate for 10 days from symptom onset or date of the test (whichever occurred first).
Common symptoms are loss of taste or smell, fatigue/tiredness, cough, runny nose, headaches, and fever. We have also had reports of muscle aches, diarrhea, irritated eyes, sinus pressure, and chest pain. Please remember that individuals’ symptoms vary, and not everyone will experience any or all of these symptoms.
12-10-2020 The Schuyler County Health Department received notification of 4 more positives residents today.
Active: 14
Released: 199
Total: 213
Deaths: 1
Schuyler County Health Department received notification today of 5 more positive Schuyler County Residents.
Active: 14
Released: 195
Total: 209
Deaths: 1
Update as of 12/8/2020 @ 3:30 pm
We received notification of positive COVID-19 residents:
1 on Friday 12/4/2020
3 on Monday 12/7/2020
and 1 today on Tuesday 12/8/2020
Active: 10
Released: 194
Total: 204
Deaths: 1
Updated as of 12-3-2020 @ 4:30 PM
December 3, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) –The Schuyler County Health Department is saddened to report that we have received official notification of a COVID-19 related death in a Schuyler County resident. The Schuyler County Health Department staff would like to offer our sincerest condolences to the family.
The Schuyler County Health Department takes confidentiality very seriously, and at this time, we are not releasing any further information about the individual.
Active: 20
Released: 179
Total: 199
Death: 1
December 2, 2020, the Schuyler County Health Department received notification of 6 additional Schuyler County Residents have tested positive for COVID-19.
Active: 20
Released: 175
Total: 195
Schuyler County Health Department has been notified that 6 additional Schuyler County residents have tested positive for COVID-19 today.
Active: 15
Released: 174
Total: 189
Updated COVID-19 Numbers as of 11-30-2020 @ 4:00 PM
1 Additional Positive on Wendsaday 11-25-20
3 on Friday 11-27-2020
1 on Saturday 11-28-2020
3 today on 11-30-2020
Active: 14
Released: 169
Total: 183
On 11/24/2020, we received notification of 6 additional positive residents.
Active: 21
Released: 154
Total: 175
Sunday, November 22nd, 2020 we received notification of 2 Schuyler Co Residents testing positive for COVID-19. Today November 23rd, 2020 as of 4:00 we have been notified of 6 additional residents testing positive for COVID-19.
Active: 19
Released: 150
Total: 169
Update on case numbers as of 11-21-20 @ 3:00 pm. On Nov 19th, we were notified of 3 positive cases. On November 20th, we were notified of 3 additional positive cases. Today November 21st, we have been notified of 2 positives Schuyler County residents.
Active: 16
Released: 145
Total: 161
We have been notified of 6 positive COVID-19 Schuyler County Residents today as of 11-18-2020 @ 4:30PM
Active: 22
Released: 131
Total: 153
Active: 19
Released: 128
Total: 147
Updated as of 11-16-2020.
We received notification of 5 Schuyler County Residents positive for COVID-19 on Friday 11-13-20, 3 additional positives on Saturday 11-14-2020, and 2 positives today as of 3:00 PM
Active: 24
Released: 120
Total: 144
Active: 32
Released: 102
Total: 134
6 additional Positive Cases today. 11-11-2020. If you know that you have been in close contact with someone that has tested positive for COVID-19, QUARANTINE IMMEDIATELY! Do not wait for a call from the health department to tell you to do so!! Sometimes there are delays in getting positive results, we may not have phone numbers, or we may not have been given a complete list of close contacts.
We received notification of 8 additional positive cases.
Active: 34
Released: 91
Total: 125
3 positive cases over the weekend and 6 more today.
Active: 33
Released: 84
Total: 117
Active: 48
Released: 60
Total: 108
Active: 46
Released: 54
Total: 100
Active: 39
Released: 53
Total: 92
November 3, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) – Today, the Schuyler County Health Department has been notified of 14 additional positive cases of COVID-19 in Schuyler County Residents.
Schuyler County Case Counts
36 Active Case in isolation
49 Cases released from isolation
85 Total Cases
November 2, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) – Today, the Schuyler County Health Department has been notified of 4 additional positive cases of COVID-19 in a Schuyler County Resident. We have also received notification that 3 Schuyler County Residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 have been hospitalized.
Schuyler County Case Counts
23 Active Case in isolation
48 Cases released from isolation
71 Total Cases
Active: 20
Released: 47
Total: 67
We received 2 official positive Covid cases and 3 verbally reported by individual or family of individual (pending receiving actual written test results from lab) positives today. Total of 65 for the county! If you are a positive and have not been contacted someone will be contacting as soon as possible. Please those positive individual self isolate for 10 days. Close Contacts of those positive individuals with Covid 19 quarantine for 14 days which starts from the last date of exposure.
Schuyler County Health Department has received notification of 6 more positive COVID 19 cases today in Schuyler County Residents.
That brings our total to 60 Cases. I will try to update active and out of isolation numbers as soon as we are caught up on contact tracing. PLEASE SOCIAL DISTANCE and wear a mask when out in public.
We received notification of 3 positives today. I will update the numbers tomorrow! Thank you all for your patience. We have been super busy at the office. I will try to get the break down of ages for all of the positive cases in Schuyler County out tomorrow.
October 26th, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) –The Schuyler County Health Department was notified of 2 new COVID-19 positive cases in a Schuyler County residents, one that had attended a wedding on Saturday, October 24th, 2020.
Our staff is working with individuals to determine direct contacts. Direct contact is anyone determined to have been within 6 feet for greater than 15 minutes. The Schuyler County Health Department staff is currently conducting a contact tracing investigation to identify those individuals’ close contacts. Anyone identified during the investigation as a close contact will be contacted directly by the Schuyler County Health Department and given further guidance and recommendations. If you feel that you have not been contacted and should be, please contact the Schuyler County Health Department at 660-457-3721
If you attended a wedding at Whippoorwill in Lancaster, MO, on October 24th, 2020, between the times of 4:15 PM and 7:30 PM, please monitor for symptoms through November 7th, 2020.
We encourage everyone to take extra precautions when going out in public. Wear a mask, wash your hands often, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, practice social distancing of at least 6 feet, and most importantly, stay at home if you are sick or not feeling well.
If you experience any of the following symptoms, please contact your healthcare provider:
• Cough
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Fatigue
• Muscle or body aches
• Headache
• Loss of taste or smell
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Nausea or vomiting
• Diarrhea
Schuyler County has had a total of 51 positive cases since March 2020. To date:
10 Active
41 Released from Isolation.
Active Cases : 11
Released Cases: 38
Total Cases: 49
“As of 7:00 pm, we have been notified of one additional case since the last post at 3:00 pm.
Everyone have a good night!!”
Active rises to 10
Released rises to 38
Total rises to 48
“Updated numbers as of 3:00pm 10/23/20.
I said 6 new cases earlier and one of those was incorrectly assigned to our county.” -Facebook Update
Active rises to 5
Released rises to 38
Total rises to 43
“I will post a break down on ages in the next day or two. These totals are as of 8:00 am Oct 23, 2020.” -Schuyler County Facebook updates
September 29, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) – The Schuyler County Health Department has been notified of 4 additional positive cases of COVID-19 in Schuyler County Residents.
1 individual is between the ages of 15-20
1 individual is between the ages of 50-55
1 individual is between the ages of 70-75
1 individual is between the ages of 90-95
All individuals with a positive COVID-19 Test are being asked to self-isolate to decrease the risk of exposing others.
Schuyler County Case Counts
4 Active Cases in isolation
22 Cases released from isolation
26 Total Cases
The Schuyler County Health Department staff is currently conducting a contact tracing investigation to identify close contacts of the positive individuals. Anyone identified during the investigation as a close contact or at risk of exposure to these individuals will be contacted directly by the Schuyler County Health Department and given further guidance.
September 21, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) – The Schuyler County Health Department was notified over the weekend of 1 additional positive case of COVID-19 in a Schuyler County Resident.
The most recent positive case is in an individual between the ages of 40-45. The individual was contacted by the Schuyler County Health Department staff and was given the self-isolation guidelines.
Schuyler County Case Counts
1 Active Case in isolation
21 Cases released from isolation
22 Total Cases
September 11, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) – The Schuyler County Health Department has been notified of 1 additional positive case of COVID-19 in a Schuyler County Resident.
The most recent positive case is in an individual between the ages of 45-50. The individual has been self-isolating since exposure and has met CDC guidelines to be released from isolation at this time.
Schuyler County Case Counts
0 Active Cases in isolation
21 Cases released from isolation
21 Total Cases
September 3, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) – The Schuyler County Health Department has been notified of 1 additional positive case of COVID-19 in a Schuyler County Resident.
The most recent positive case is in an individual between the ages of 15-20. The individual is being asked to self-isolate to decrease the risk of exposing others.
Schuyler County Case Counts
4 Active Cases in isolation
16 Cases released from isolation
20 Total Cases
The Schuyler County Health Department staff is currently conducting a contact tracing investigation to identify close contacts of that individual. Anyone identified during the investigation as a close contact or at risk of exposure to these individuals will be contacted directly by the Schuyler County Health Department and given further guidance and recommendations.
Schuyler County Health Department
August 31, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) – The Schuyler County Health Department has been notified of 1 additional positive case of COVID-19 in a Schuyler County Resident.
The most recent positive case is in an individual between the ages of 35-40. The individual is being asked to self-isolate to decrease the risk of exposing others.
Schuyler County Case Counts
5 Active Cases in isolation
14 Cases released from isolation
19 Total Cases
The Schuyler County Health Department staff is currently conducting a contact tracing investigation to identify close contacts of that individual. Anyone identified during the investigation as a close contact or at risk of exposure to these individuals will be contacted directly by the Schuyler County Health Department and given further guidance and recommendations.
August 28, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) – The Schuyler County Health Department has been notified of 2 additional positive cases of COVID-19 in Schuyler County Residents.
The two new positives cases are in individuals between 55-60 years of age. The individuals are being asked to self-isolate to decrease the risk of exposing others.
Schuyler County Case Counts
4 Active Cases in isolation
14 Cases released from isolation
18 Total Cases
The Schuyler County Health Department staff is currently conducting a contact tracing investigation to identify close contacts of that individual. Anyone identified during the investigation as a close contact or at risk of exposure to these individuals will be contacted directly by the Schuyler County Health Department and given further guidance and recommendations.
August 24, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) – The Schuyler County Health Department has been notified of 2 additional positive cases of COVID-19 in Schuyler County Residents.
The two new positives cases are in individuals between 60-65 years of age. The individuals are being asked to self-isolate to decrease the risk of exposing others.
Schuyler County Case Counts
2 Active Cases in isolation
14 Cases released from isolation
16 Total Cases
The Schuyler County Health Department staff is currently conducting a contact tracing investigation to identify close contacts of that individual. Anyone identified during the investigation as a close contact or at risk of exposure to these individuals will be contacted directly by the Schuyler County Health Department and given further guidance and recommendations.
To protect yourself and others from illness –
• Stay home when you are sick and avoid close contact with others (at least 6 feet), no matter if any symptoms are present.
• Cover your sneeze and cough to prevent spreading any illness
• Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water; if soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol
• Clean and disinfect surfaces and avoid touching your face, especially after touching an unclean surface
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
• Wear masks that cover your nose and mouth when in public where social distancing is not possible
• Avoid large gatherings
August 15, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) –Schuyler County Health Department has identified 3 additional positive COVID-19 in a Schuyler County Residents. 2 individuals are between the ages of 20-30, and the third individual is between the ages of 80-85.
4 active cases in isolation
10 recovered cases released from isolation.
The Schuyler County Health Department staff is currently conducting a contact tracing investigation to identify close contacts of those individuals. Anyone identified during the investigation as a close contact or at risk of exposure to this patient will be contacted directly by the Schuyler County Health Department and given further guidance and recommendations.
Due to the increase in COVID-19 cases, we encourage everyone to take extra precautions when going out in public. Stay at home if you don’t need to go out. If you do need to go out in public, wear a mask, practice social distancing of at least 6 feet, wash your hands often, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, and most importantly, stay at home if you are sick or not feeling well.
If you have been notified by your healthcare provider that you tested positive for COVID-19:
– Immediately self-isolate
– Prepare a list of your close contacts, and
– Contact your local health department
If you have been notified that a friend or family member has tested positive for COVID-19 and you have been in close contact with this individual:
– Immediately self-quarantine, and
– Contact your local health department
Everyone should self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea. Please contact your primary care provider if you experience any of the above symptoms.
Updated on 1-28-2021 @ 3:00 PM
Active: 14
Released: 346
Total: 373
Death: 13
Updated numbers as of 1-19-21 @ 4:30pm
Active: 33
Released: 326
Total: 365
Death: 6
We received the following Covid-19 notifications
2 positive Schuyler Co. Residents on Friday 01/15/2021
3 positive Schuyler Co. Residents on Saturday 01/16/2021
2 positive Schuyler Co. Residents on Sunday 01/17/2021
and we received 3 additional positives today, Monday 01/18/2021
Active: 23
Released: 326
Total: 355
Death: 6
Update on 1-14-21
I will update the numbers for the ones we worked on over the weekend sometime today.
Active: 30
Released: 309
Total: 345
Death: 6
The Schuyler County Health Dept recieved the following Positive COVID-19 notifications :
0- Jan 9, 2021
0- Jan 10, 2021
8- Jan 11, 2021
8- Today, Jan 12th, 2021
Active: 34
Released: 305
Total: 339
Death: 1
On 1-8-21, we added 5 additional cases to our positives, COVID-19 case count.
Active: 28
Released: 295
Total: 323
Death: 1
Today we have received the contact information of 20 positive COVID-19 Schuyler County Residents. I want to THANK my incredible Staff!!. We have been working days, nights, weekends, and holidays and even though things may not be ideal, we are definitely giving it our best!! Please continue to practice social distancing and wear a mask. ALWAYS wash your hands and cover your mouths when coughing and PLEASE stay home if you are not feeling well.
Active: 27
Released: 291
Total: 318
Death: 1
Update as of 1/6/21 @ 5:00 pm
Schuyler County Health Dept. recieved notification of 2 additional positives today. I will post the age breakdown tomorrow.
Active: 17
Released: 281
Total: 298
Death: 1
Updated as of 1/5/21 at 5:00 pm. The Schuyler County Health Dept received notification that 4 additional Schuyler Co Resident has tested positive for COVID-19.
Updated numbers 1-4-2021
We received notification of positive residents on the following dates:
2 positives on 1/1/21
2 positives on 1/2/21
2 positives on 1/3/21
3 positives today 1/4/21
Today 12-31-20, the Schuyler Co Health Dept received notification that 4 more Schuyler County residents tested positive for covid. Bringing the 2020 year-end total to 283. 27 of those cases are active and 256 have been released.
Active: 27
Released: 256
Total: 283
Deaths: 1
The Schuyler County Health Department received notification today 12-29-20 of 11 additional Schuyler Co residents have tested positive for COVID-19.
Updated Numbers as of 12/28/20 @ 3:00 pm.
The Schuyler Co Health Dept has received the following positive covid 19 notifications. Since our last update.
2 -Positives on Tuesday, Dec 22nd
4 -Positives on Wednesday, Dec 23rd
3 -Positives on Thursday, Dec 24th
0 -Positives on Friday, Dec 25th
3 -Positives on Saturday, Dec 26th
2 -Positives on Sunday, Dec 27th
7 -Positives on Monday, Dec 28th
Updated numbers for December 18th-21st
0 cases reported on Friday 12-18-20
1 case reported on Saturday 12-19-20
4 cases reported on Sunday 12-20-20
0 cases reported on Monday 12-21-20
Active: 13
Released: 229
Total: 242
Deaths: 1
12-17-20 We received notification that 4 Schuyler Residents tested positive for COVID-19. We also received notification of 4 additional Schuyler Residents who tested positive out of state earlier in the month. These individuals had been self-isolating since receiving their positive results and already have met the isolation requirements. I would like to thank them for doing so.
When testing is done out of state, there is a long delay in those results getting to us locally. The state that the individual was tested in has to report those to their state, and then at some point, we hope that those results are sent to the State of Missouri. After Missouri gets those results (or by chance, the testing site sends them to us locally), they are added into a computer system and finally sent to us locally.
If you have been notified regardless of where you are tested and have not been contacted by the Health Department, PLEASE self isolate immediately. Begin making a list of individuals that you have been in close contact with beginning 2 days before you started having symptoms. Go ahead and call those people so that they can begin quarantine. Call your local Health Department if you have not been contacted after a day or 2 of receiving your positive results.
We know there are positive individuals in our county that we are not getting notification of their results and, in turn, are unable to complete contact tracing with. The system in place isn’t 100%, but we are doing our best to slow the spread.
Please practice social distancing, and wear a mask when unable to maintain greater than 6 ft distance.
Active: 17
Released: 220
Total: 237
Deaths: 1
3 additional Schuyler County residents tested positive today for COVID-19. Updated as of 12-16-2020 @ 4:00 pm
Active: 18
Released: 211
Total: 229
Deaths: 1
We received notification that 2 Schuyler County residents tested positive for COVID-19 today.
Active: 15
Released: 211
Total: 226
Deaths: 1
Schuyler County Health Department received notification of 2 positive residents on Saturday, December 12th, and 5 additional positive results today.
Active: 17
Released: 207
Total: 224
Deaths: 1
Updated 12-11-2020 @ 3:00 pm
4 more Schuyler County residents test positive for COVID-19
Active: 18
Released: 199
Total: 217
Deaths: 1
Effective 12/10/2020
December 10, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) In conjunction with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, The Schuyler County Health Department has adopted the CDC close contact recommendations.
These new guidelines apply only to those that have been EXPOSED to a positive COVID-19 case and remain asymptomatic (showing no symptoms).
If you have been exposed to COVID-19 AND have no symptoms, you only need to quarantine for 10 days from the date of last exposure, to be released on day 11.
If you have been exposed to COVID-19 AND have no symptoms, you may seek testing no earlier than day 7 of your quarantine, AND with a negative test result, you only need to quarantine for 7 days from the date of last exposure, to be released on day 8.
Self-monitoring of symptoms and masking is required for the full 14 days, even if quarantine is shortened.
If you test positive for COVID-19 at any point, you should isolate for 10 days from symptom onset or date of the test (whichever occurred first).
Common symptoms are loss of taste or smell, fatigue/tiredness, cough, runny nose, headaches, and fever. We have also had reports of muscle aches, diarrhea, irritated eyes, sinus pressure, and chest pain. Please remember that individuals’ symptoms vary, and not everyone will experience any or all of these symptoms.
12-10-2020 The Schuyler County Health Department received notification of 4 more positives residents today.
Active: 14
Released: 199
Total: 213
Deaths: 1
Schuyler County Health Department received notification today of 5 more positive Schuyler County Residents.
Active: 14
Released: 195
Total: 209
Deaths: 1
Update as of 12/8/2020 @ 3:30 pm
We received notification of positive COVID-19 residents:
1 on Friday 12/4/2020
3 on Monday 12/7/2020
and 1 today on Tuesday 12/8/2020
Active: 10
Released: 194
Total: 204
Deaths: 1
Updated as of 12-3-2020 @ 4:30 PM
December 3, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) –The Schuyler County Health Department is saddened to report that we have received official notification of a COVID-19 related death in a Schuyler County resident. The Schuyler County Health Department staff would like to offer our sincerest condolences to the family.
The Schuyler County Health Department takes confidentiality very seriously, and at this time, we are not releasing any further information about the individual.
Active: 20
Released: 179
Total: 199
Death: 1
December 2, 2020, the Schuyler County Health Department received notification of 6 additional Schuyler County Residents have tested positive for COVID-19.
Active: 20
Released: 175
Total: 195
Schuyler County Health Department has been notified that 6 additional Schuyler County residents have tested positive for COVID-19 today.
Active: 15
Released: 174
Total: 189
Updated COVID-19 Numbers as of 11-30-2020 @ 4:00 PM
1 Additional Positive on Wendsaday 11-25-20
3 on Friday 11-27-2020
1 on Saturday 11-28-2020
3 today on 11-30-2020
Active: 14
Released: 169
Total: 183
On 11/24/2020, we received notification of 6 additional positive residents.
Active: 21
Released: 154
Total: 175
Sunday, November 22nd, 2020 we received notification of 2 Schuyler Co Residents testing positive for COVID-19. Today November 23rd, 2020 as of 4:00 we have been notified of 6 additional residents testing positive for COVID-19.
Active: 19
Released: 150
Total: 169
Update on case numbers as of 11-21-20 @ 3:00 pm. On Nov 19th, we were notified of 3 positive cases. On November 20th, we were notified of 3 additional positive cases. Today November 21st, we have been notified of 2 positives Schuyler County residents.
Active: 16
Released: 145
Total: 161
We have been notified of 6 positive COVID-19 Schuyler County Residents today as of 11-18-2020 @ 4:30PM
Active: 22
Released: 131
Total: 153
Active: 19
Released: 128
Total: 147
Updated as of 11-16-2020.
We received notification of 5 Schuyler County Residents positive for COVID-19 on Friday 11-13-20, 3 additional positives on Saturday 11-14-2020, and 2 positives today as of 3:00 PM
Active: 24
Released: 120
Total: 144
Active: 32
Released: 102
Total: 134
6 additional Positive Cases today. 11-11-2020. If you know that you have been in close contact with someone that has tested positive for COVID-19, QUARANTINE IMMEDIATELY! Do not wait for a call from the health department to tell you to do so!! Sometimes there are delays in getting positive results, we may not have phone numbers, or we may not have been given a complete list of close contacts.
We received notification of 8 additional positive cases.
Active: 34
Released: 91
Total: 125
3 positive cases over the weekend and 6 more today.
Active: 33
Released: 84
Total: 117
Active: 48
Released: 60
Total: 108
Active: 46
Released: 54
Total: 100
Active: 39
Released: 53
Total: 92
November 3, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) – Today, the Schuyler County Health Department has been notified of 14 additional positive cases of COVID-19 in Schuyler County Residents.
Schuyler County Case Counts
36 Active Case in isolation
49 Cases released from isolation
85 Total Cases
November 2, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) – Today, the Schuyler County Health Department has been notified of 4 additional positive cases of COVID-19 in a Schuyler County Resident. We have also received notification that 3 Schuyler County Residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 have been hospitalized.
Schuyler County Case Counts
23 Active Case in isolation
48 Cases released from isolation
71 Total Cases
Active: 20
Released: 47
Total: 67
We received 2 official positive Covid cases and 3 verbally reported by individual or family of individual (pending receiving actual written test results from lab) positives today. Total of 65 for the county! If you are a positive and have not been contacted someone will be contacting as soon as possible. Please those positive individual self isolate for 10 days. Close Contacts of those positive individuals with Covid 19 quarantine for 14 days which starts from the last date of exposure.
Schuyler County Health Department has received notification of 6 more positive COVID 19 cases today in Schuyler County Residents.
That brings our total to 60 Cases. I will try to update active and out of isolation numbers as soon as we are caught up on contact tracing. PLEASE SOCIAL DISTANCE and wear a mask when out in public.
We received notification of 3 positives today. I will update the numbers tomorrow! Thank you all for your patience. We have been super busy at the office. I will try to get the break down of ages for all of the positive cases in Schuyler County out tomorrow.
October 26th, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) –The Schuyler County Health Department was notified of 2 new COVID-19 positive cases in a Schuyler County residents, one that had attended a wedding on Saturday, October 24th, 2020.
Our staff is working with individuals to determine direct contacts. Direct contact is anyone determined to have been within 6 feet for greater than 15 minutes. The Schuyler County Health Department staff is currently conducting a contact tracing investigation to identify those individuals’ close contacts. Anyone identified during the investigation as a close contact will be contacted directly by the Schuyler County Health Department and given further guidance and recommendations. If you feel that you have not been contacted and should be, please contact the Schuyler County Health Department at 660-457-3721
If you attended a wedding at Whippoorwill in Lancaster, MO, on October 24th, 2020, between the times of 4:15 PM and 7:30 PM, please monitor for symptoms through November 7th, 2020.
We encourage everyone to take extra precautions when going out in public. Wear a mask, wash your hands often, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, practice social distancing of at least 6 feet, and most importantly, stay at home if you are sick or not feeling well.
If you experience any of the following symptoms, please contact your healthcare provider:
• Cough
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Fatigue
• Muscle or body aches
• Headache
• Loss of taste or smell
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Nausea or vomiting
• Diarrhea
Schuyler County has had a total of 51 positive cases since March 2020. To date:
10 Active
41 Released from Isolation.
Active Cases : 11
Released Cases: 38
Total Cases: 49
“As of 7:00 pm, we have been notified of one additional case since the last post at 3:00 pm.
Everyone have a good night!!”
Active rises to 10
Released rises to 38
Total rises to 48
“Updated numbers as of 3:00pm 10/23/20.
I said 6 new cases earlier and one of those was incorrectly assigned to our county.” -Facebook Update
Active rises to 5
Released rises to 38
Total rises to 43
“I will post a break down on ages in the next day or two. These totals are as of 8:00 am Oct 23, 2020.” -Schuyler County Facebook updates
September 29, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) – The Schuyler County Health Department has been notified of 4 additional positive cases of COVID-19 in Schuyler County Residents.
1 individual is between the ages of 15-20
1 individual is between the ages of 50-55
1 individual is between the ages of 70-75
1 individual is between the ages of 90-95
All individuals with a positive COVID-19 Test are being asked to self-isolate to decrease the risk of exposing others.
Schuyler County Case Counts
4 Active Cases in isolation
22 Cases released from isolation
26 Total Cases
The Schuyler County Health Department staff is currently conducting a contact tracing investigation to identify close contacts of the positive individuals. Anyone identified during the investigation as a close contact or at risk of exposure to these individuals will be contacted directly by the Schuyler County Health Department and given further guidance.
September 21, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) – The Schuyler County Health Department was notified over the weekend of 1 additional positive case of COVID-19 in a Schuyler County Resident.
The most recent positive case is in an individual between the ages of 40-45. The individual was contacted by the Schuyler County Health Department staff and was given the self-isolation guidelines.
Schuyler County Case Counts
1 Active Case in isolation
21 Cases released from isolation
22 Total Cases
September 11, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) – The Schuyler County Health Department has been notified of 1 additional positive case of COVID-19 in a Schuyler County Resident.
The most recent positive case is in an individual between the ages of 45-50. The individual has been self-isolating since exposure and has met CDC guidelines to be released from isolation at this time.
Schuyler County Case Counts
0 Active Cases in isolation
21 Cases released from isolation
21 Total Cases
September 3, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) – The Schuyler County Health Department has been notified of 1 additional positive case of COVID-19 in a Schuyler County Resident.
The most recent positive case is in an individual between the ages of 15-20. The individual is being asked to self-isolate to decrease the risk of exposing others.
Schuyler County Case Counts
4 Active Cases in isolation
16 Cases released from isolation
20 Total Cases
The Schuyler County Health Department staff is currently conducting a contact tracing investigation to identify close contacts of that individual. Anyone identified during the investigation as a close contact or at risk of exposure to these individuals will be contacted directly by the Schuyler County Health Department and given further guidance and recommendations.
Schuyler County Health Department
August 31, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) – The Schuyler County Health Department has been notified of 1 additional positive case of COVID-19 in a Schuyler County Resident.
The most recent positive case is in an individual between the ages of 35-40. The individual is being asked to self-isolate to decrease the risk of exposing others.
Schuyler County Case Counts
5 Active Cases in isolation
14 Cases released from isolation
19 Total Cases
The Schuyler County Health Department staff is currently conducting a contact tracing investigation to identify close contacts of that individual. Anyone identified during the investigation as a close contact or at risk of exposure to these individuals will be contacted directly by the Schuyler County Health Department and given further guidance and recommendations.
August 28, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) – The Schuyler County Health Department has been notified of 2 additional positive cases of COVID-19 in Schuyler County Residents.
The two new positives cases are in individuals between 55-60 years of age. The individuals are being asked to self-isolate to decrease the risk of exposing others.
Schuyler County Case Counts
4 Active Cases in isolation
14 Cases released from isolation
18 Total Cases
The Schuyler County Health Department staff is currently conducting a contact tracing investigation to identify close contacts of that individual. Anyone identified during the investigation as a close contact or at risk of exposure to these individuals will be contacted directly by the Schuyler County Health Department and given further guidance and recommendations.
August 24, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) – The Schuyler County Health Department has been notified of 2 additional positive cases of COVID-19 in Schuyler County Residents.
The two new positives cases are in individuals between 60-65 years of age. The individuals are being asked to self-isolate to decrease the risk of exposing others.
Schuyler County Case Counts
2 Active Cases in isolation
14 Cases released from isolation
16 Total Cases
The Schuyler County Health Department staff is currently conducting a contact tracing investigation to identify close contacts of that individual. Anyone identified during the investigation as a close contact or at risk of exposure to these individuals will be contacted directly by the Schuyler County Health Department and given further guidance and recommendations.
To protect yourself and others from illness –
• Stay home when you are sick and avoid close contact with others (at least 6 feet), no matter if any symptoms are present.
• Cover your sneeze and cough to prevent spreading any illness
• Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water; if soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol
• Clean and disinfect surfaces and avoid touching your face, especially after touching an unclean surface
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
• Wear masks that cover your nose and mouth when in public where social distancing is not possible
• Avoid large gatherings
August 15, 2020
(Lancaster, MO) –Schuyler County Health Department has identified 3 additional positive COVID-19 in a Schuyler County Residents. 2 individuals are between the ages of 20-30, and the third individual is between the ages of 80-85.
4 active cases in isolation
10 recovered cases released from isolation.
The Schuyler County Health Department staff is currently conducting a contact tracing investigation to identify close contacts of those individuals. Anyone identified during the investigation as a close contact or at risk of exposure to this patient will be contacted directly by the Schuyler County Health Department and given further guidance and recommendations.
Due to the increase in COVID-19 cases, we encourage everyone to take extra precautions when going out in public. Stay at home if you don’t need to go out. If you do need to go out in public, wear a mask, practice social distancing of at least 6 feet, wash your hands often, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, and most importantly, stay at home if you are sick or not feeling well.
If you have been notified by your healthcare provider that you tested positive for COVID-19:
– Immediately self-isolate
– Prepare a list of your close contacts, and
– Contact your local health department
If you have been notified that a friend or family member has tested positive for COVID-19 and you have been in close contact with this individual:
– Immediately self-quarantine, and
– Contact your local health department
Everyone should self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea. Please contact your primary care provider if you experience any of the above symptoms.
How to Identify symptoms of COVID-19 &
How to Help Flatten the Curve In Your Area
CDC recommends that you wear masks in public settings around people who don’t live in your household and when you can’t stay 6 feet away from others. Masks help stop the spread of COVID-19 to others.
- Wear masks with two or more layers to stop the spread of COVID-19
- Wear the mask over your nose and mouth and secure it under your chin
- Masks should be worn by people two years and older
- Masks should NOT be worn by children younger than two, people who have trouble breathing, or people who cannot remove the mask without assistance.
- Do NOT wear masks intended for healthcare workers, for example, N95 respirators
- CDC does not recommend the use of gaiters or face shields. Evaluation of these face covers is on-going but effectiveness is unknown at this time.
Click here to learn more about how to protect yourself during the COVID-19 Pandemic as released by the CDC.
Watch for Symptoms
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or Vomiting
- Diarrhea
*This list does not include all possible symptoms. CDC will continue to update this list as we learn more about COVID-19.
When to Seek Emergency Medical Attention
Look for emergency warning signs for COVID-19. If someone is showing any of these signs, seek medical care immediately:
- Trouble breathing
- Persistent or pressure in the chest
- New confusion
- inability to wake or stay awake
- Bluish lips or face
*This list is not all of the possible symptoms. Please call your medical provider for any .other symptoms that are severe or concerning you.
Call 911 or call ahead to your local emergency facility: Notify the operator that your are seeking care for someone who has or may have COVID-19.